Psychedelic Rock Poster Artists
This area will be dedicated to the Psychedelic Rock Poster Artists bios and history of Psychedelic Rock Poster art. The many artists who defined the look of an era. A place in time that lasted almost a decade – but, with so much staying power it continues to influence our culture today.
In this area we will explore artists environment growing up, where they came from, what formed their ideas, and how they came to be world famous poster artists. In the 1960s they painted a canvass not only of music, music venues and pop festivals but it reflected the social events of the time – the counter culture, Viet Nam War, Civil Rights, Protests, marches, riots, equality and freedom for all creeds, color and gender. Very turbulent times.
Ground zero, as far as WHERE they produced the most famous poster art, was San Francisco. So, we will be spending quite a bit of time there. Psychedelic Rock Poster Artists were commissioned to do posters for rock concert events and this is where the movement was happening. San Francisco is where you came to be in the thick of things.
They called them “The Big 5”. A prestigious alumni including artists Alton Kelley and Rick Griffin and Stanley “Mouse” Miller and Victor Moscoso, and Wes Wilson. (alphabetically by last name). Each with their own eminent and original style. They made a huge contribution to (not only posters) but handbills, postcards, comics and all types of multi-media. We will address some of that information here (as well as) The POSTERS section of this web site.
The Big 5 produced some of the most iconic and recognizable images and posters from the 60s. They were wildly popular and were selling (even back then) after the shows had long passed thru. People started to see the posters as a collectable piece of pop art history (or) affectionate memory from 60s decade (or) maybe just to remember the show.
But, there many more Psychedelic Rock Poster Artists that were even a little bit more underground (so to speak) than The Big 5. We will possibly turn you on to rare artists and poster works you have never seen before. We will research and develop as much info as available on them to share with you..
Sometimes a visitor will send us images of pieces to evaluate or give an appraised value. (Here is one of the most recent mysteries). There may be no information or no known artist on the piece. We will share info of that nature on this page as well.